Hi In South Asia, we have auto rickshaws (three-wheelers) that provide the taxi service. There are special "Auto stands" meant for these three-wheelers only: where car taxis (or private vehicles of any kind) are not allowed to park. This is usually a strip of land on the side of a road, where up to 10 autos line up and wait for passengers. So this stand is best represented as an "area" (closed way) on the map. Question is, how to tag such a "Auto stand"? |
This looks to be basically a type of taxi service. I would tag it as such and add a sub-tag so that people can distinguish this from a standard taxi service. There is already a suggested usage of 2
Sounds reasonable to me, but I'd suggest autorickshaw=yes (or cyclerickshaw=yes) to differentiate motor and pedal powered rickshaws.
(17 Oct '15, 06:17)
@keithonearth Good point, the details are best worked out by people who encounter them in daily life.
(17 Oct '15, 09:16)
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