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In Bangalore (India), we have a underpass at a location called Marathahalli, in which-

  1. The East-West 4-lane Varthur road passes on the upper deck (a massive RCC structure)
  2. The North-South 4-lane Outer Ring Road ("ORR") passes below this deck.
  3. The ORR and Varthur Road are joined through 4 loops (called "service roads"). These service roads climb up to the upper deck's level through ramps.
  4. The upper deck also carries two links that provide a U-turn for the ORR
  5. Pedestrians use the remaining space on the upper deck to cross between the two major roads.
  6. The upper deck also has small traffic islands that separate the above features.

At present, the RCC deck is not shown properly:

  1. Both halves of the Varthur road are shown as if they pass over two separate bridges.
  2. The links are shown "hanging" (not shown as situated on the upper deck).
  3. The pedestrian area on the upper deck is not shown at all.

I would like to know how to depict this construction correctly. Please help!

asked 15 Oct '15, 11:01

NarayanAras's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Oct '15, 11:04

I'm not an expert but, i think the links also need to be bridges as well, or the underpass needs to be a tunnel. I don't know the area but I think tunnels are the solution as the underpasses are level=-1. The bridge tags could then be deleted. but wait for some other views/comments.

(15 Oct '15, 12:14) andy mackey

I tried deleting the bridge tags, and it apparently worked.

BTW the North-South Section of the ORR is an underpass, and not a true underground tunnel. (It slopes down, passes under the upper deck and then slopes up again to come up to normal surface.)

Since it is open to sky, it is more like an "open tunnel" (similar to "open mines").

Do we have a better tag for such construction, rather than "Tunnel"?

(15 Oct '15, 13:07) NarayanAras

NarayanAras, use cutting=yes for the lower way from begin to end. The construction or way above or over it, gets layer=1. The short stretches below the construction could be tagged as covered=yes.

permanent link

answered 15 Oct '15, 13:48

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 15 Oct '15, 13:49

Yes, that's a neat trick. Thanks!

(15 Oct '15, 19:09) NarayanAras

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question asked: 15 Oct '15, 11:01

question was seen: 2,110 times

last updated: 15 Oct '15, 19:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum