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I cannot find an appropriate tag for halls that are available for holding a big event, such as banquets, weddings, conventions, seminars, exhibitions and/or flash sales.

Note that all large hotels have such halls; but they are not mapped separately. But if these halls are "stand alone" entities, we need to map them.

They cannot be labeled as "Town Halls" because of two reasons: (a) every city has several such private banquet halls, but only ONE official Town Hall. (b) These are private halls for hire, not meant for public events.

Similarly, they cannot be labeled as "Community Center" because they are commercial ventures, not a community asset.

asked 15 Oct '15, 08:41

NarayanAras's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It depends on what you mean by "public". In Belgium, we have many such halls that are operated by a local government, but you can't just go in. An organisation or person must rent the hall, and use it for what they want (a party, an amateur theater, a banquet, ...). We usually tag these as community center. But they're direct competition to privately operated halls. So I guess we also have a big number of private halls tagged as community center. The private halls usually just offer a bit more service (like a staffed kitchen instead of an empty one).

(22 Oct '15, 15:49) Sanderd17

Hi Team,

Could you please suggest a tag for "Wedding/Event halls" which we tend to see a lot more few countries.

Suggestion: I feel "Event hall" tag can be proposed as it includes everything which falls under events category.

(08 Mar '18, 18:06) Godfan
(11 Mar '18, 21:58) SomeoneElse ♦

Talking about India. We have plenty of stand-alone halls that are mainly used for conducting the actual wedding ceremony (marriage) or related functions, such as engagement.

But they are very rarely used for other purposes, such as exhibitions.

Therefore the tag should reflect its general purpose, or at minimum the "wedding" keyword, because most Indians would be searching for this keyword.

[EDIT] I checked the tag you referred to, and found a link from there to Events Centre. That fits my needs exactly. I wish this proposal goes through!

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answered 15 Oct '15, 09:18

NarayanAras's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Oct '15, 09:23


OSM tagging proposals are just guidelines for how things are currently being mapped/tagged. It sounds like it's correct for you, so you should just start tagging it.

However, events centres are where "events with a huge amount of people happen.", in the region of thousands of people. I don't know about India (mostly Ireland), but there people have weddings in venues that can hold hundreds, not thousands of people. Are you sure this building are "big enough" to be "event_centre"

(15 Oct '15, 09:29) rorym

Oops! You are right: Our wedding hall is not an "event center".

The Indian wedding is typically attended by 500-1000 invited guests. At one end, there is a stage where the couple is getting married/engaged. The others sit in the main hall. Then food is served in a separate area (or at the far end of the same hall).

Each event is typically a half-day affair.

The marriage as a whole may have up to five such events on different days.

Thanks for that tip! I guess I have to start using a new tag, which will hopefully catch on.

(15 Oct '15, 09:35) NarayanAras

Not 100% sure what you mean, since it varies by country. What country are in you talking about?

In any case, perhaps amenity=exhibition_centre? You can always look for things that are currently tagged that, and see if it matches the building(s) you are thinking about.

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answered 15 Oct '15, 08:55

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%


depending on the size and purpose, amenity=events_venue might be a better fit

(15 Oct '15, 20:32) escada

The page you link to actually points out that amenity=exhibition_centre is likely a tagging mistake. So that's probably not a good recommendation.

(23 Oct '15, 09:18) sleske

By all means tag the venue but keep in mind that OSM is not a yellow pages directory.

Our main aim is to map geo stuff and not enable people to find a nice wedding venue - there should be other, specialist web sites for that, which will hopefully also have photos, information about seating and capacity, and so on. OSM can serve as the backdrop for such specialist sites but in order for that to work, mapping the address should be totally sufficient.

There's previous discussion on wedding receptions on the tagging mailing list.

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answered 15 Oct '15, 09:55

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Yes, OSM cannot replace the comparison-cum-booking sites.

I find that the OSM has built-in tags that are sufficient to define any POI.

(15 Oct '15, 10:28) NarayanAras

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question asked: 15 Oct '15, 08:41

question was seen: 4,628 times

last updated: 11 Mar '18, 21:58

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