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Hello, I am French (sorry for my text). I wonder if we can block a layer. I would remove the "eye" so that one can not disable a layer. Thank you a lot.

Bonjour, je suis français. J'aimerais savoir si on peut bloquer un calque. J'aimerais enlever "l'oeil" pour que l'on ne puisse pas desactiver un calque. Merci beaucoup.

asked 07 Oct '15, 13:16

La%20T%C3%AAte%20dans%20le%20Local's gravatar image

La Tête dans...
accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Oct '15, 16:50

escada's gravatar image


Are you talking about OpenLayers or Leaflet? Or something completely different?

(07 Oct '15, 14:40) scai ♦

or about uMap (there is an "eye" in the layer selection)?

(07 Oct '15, 15:03) aseerel4c26 ♦

Excuse me for these English words. I created "Spectacles" layers "Brocantes" that the user can activate or not.

I would like the layer "Sport" is blocked and that we do not disables with the "eye".

Can we make disappear "the activate eye" into the "blue square" ?

I would like that "Sport" is continually visible

alt text

Thank you a lot

(07 Oct '15, 15:11) La Tête dans...

definitely, a question about umap

(07 Oct '15, 16:49) escada

What about asking the developer of umap:


It seems the maintainer is living in France (if I am not wrong), thus speaking french quite well, I hope.

(07 Oct '15, 17:01) stephan75

@stephan75: ybon is also active here on this site. For me this place is fine.

(07 Oct '15, 17:10) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thank you for your help.

Have a good day

(08 Oct '15, 09:52) La Tête dans...
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question asked: 07 Oct '15, 13:16

question was seen: 2,361 times

last updated: 08 Oct '15, 09:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum