Anyone know the syntax to create hypertext link in one of the fields of the table view for popup text in umap? Based on searching here, I thought it would be [[]] or [[{ }]] but neither of those seem to work. Any suggestions? |
Values starting with "http" should be automatically clickable. Hi ybon, thank you for the reply. So just to be clear: if the value for the field starts with http it will be a clickable link, but if the value for the field starts with something else besides http, then any http link elsewhere in the field will not be a clickable link and there is no way to make it a clickable link? That seems to be the behavior I am seeing. I edited my original question to add a few more screenshots of that.
(06 Oct '15, 11:45)
You seem to display OSM tags in a table. Please do not add any third-party syntax into the OSM database. The link syntax (at least) works for normal markers with text. You can see a description of the syntax there: Hi, thank you for the reply. Don't worry no one is introducing other syntax the OSM DB.
(06 Oct '15, 11:53)