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I need to download osm file with larger area than it is provided on the official website( I know that there are several soulutions on the official website,which,however,cannot deal with the problem of how to get the data of way change times.

asked 05 Oct '15, 10:43

osmomgosh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Oct '15, 11:07

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

sorry, I do not understand "problem of how to get the data of way change times". Could you please explain this with more/other words?

(05 Oct '15, 11:07) aseerel4c26 ♦

thank you for your asking.I need to know how many times each way is changed in osm ,so i have to export .osm xml file .However, only small zone can be exported from the official website,and i need more data.

(05 Oct '15, 11:48) osmomgosh

You can download the complete, world wide, planet file from If that is too large, you can use Osmosis to trim it down a certain area.

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answered 06 Oct '15, 12:57

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%


If the planet file is still too large for you (it will take much time to process it), you might have a look at the regional extracts provided by Geofabrik.

If the programs which you use also accept PBF files, you might be better to use the PBF format because much programs are faster reading PBF than XML.

(07 Oct '15, 17:29) Nakaner

And you can use osmosis to convert a PBF to/from OSM XML

(08 Oct '15, 09:40) rorym

This area is too large to be exported as OpenStreetMap XML Data. Please zoom in or select a smaller area, or use one of the sources listed below for bulk data downloads.

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answered 18 Aug '21, 09:51

Muhammad%20iskandar's gravatar image

Muhammad isk...
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 05 Oct '15, 10:43

question was seen: 5,094 times

last updated: 18 Aug '21, 09:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum