hello, i am kumar completely new to open street map database, i am working with data bases as of my first task is i need to create a node table which includes node id, lat and long values , so i did this step.... and now i want create a new table with information of street id and node id. here my question is what is street id?? can any one help me please best regards |
The other answer is perfect. On a topic I mistook it for when first read the title. At least few {so far} streets carry a NPLG:USRN tags which are street referance numbers used in the UK based on the National Property and Land Gazetter system. Although not common to the public they are used with streetworks applications and permits like digging to lay pipes and cables. Some sites realsed details of these to the public so some were annotated to streets on OSM were applicable. Similar things are happening for UPRN in addressing at a few places too. UPRN being for properties from flats to factory sites can somtiemes been seen on labels like on bins when your surveying. UARN's I don't think have been added to OSM yet [Universal Address Referance Number]. Some OSM data users compile address lists so these come in useful. |
We do not have street IDs, we have way IDs. A way can represent a part of a street, a whole street, or another linear or polygonal feature, and consists of a sequence of nodes that describe the geometry as well of a set of tags that describe its properties. Even though OSM data can be represented in many formats, the Wiki page on OSM XML should give you a good idea of how data is organised in OSM. |