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Hi, I would like to use iD in my web application to improve GPX file, the idea is simple :

  • User import GPX file into iD
  • GPX trace is converted into editable route path
  • The User edit this path with iD tools
  • Then the user can export his modification to new GPX file.

So I started a local instance of iD but I would like to add an "export to GPX" feature and remove all the defaults paths. Is anybody have an idea of how to start ?

asked 25 Sep '15, 11:08

alex3165's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Sep '15, 20:25

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Check out, it is probably a better fit for what you are trying to do than iD.

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answered 28 Sep '15, 02:00

bhousel's gravatar image

accept rate: 38%


Effectively GeoJSON file format is better than GPX but I wanted to be able to edit path once it is displayed and for this feature iD seemed pretty good but finally I solved my issue using just Leaflet Draw :

(28 Sep '15, 08:43) alex3165

Thanks for your reply I achieved my goal, iD was not exactly what I was looking for. I used Mapbox to display a map and Draw functionality from Leaftlet to make my path editable then I wrote an algorithm that merge displayed path with GPX points to create my final GPX.

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answered 28 Sep '15, 08:36

alex3165's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


thanks for your follow-up! Do you mind freeing or at least showing your code? Others may be interested.

(28 Sep '15, 20:29) aseerel4c26 ♦

So it sounds "doable" - but as is just a question of what you are trying to achieve.

If one just wanted to convert (many) GPX track nodes into a simple route then something like GraphHopper might be sufficient to get nodes onto the OSM graph.

As for converting the GPX into something iD can work with you are probably best heading over to the iD github repo to request an enhancement. The folks over there will no doubt be able to provide better feedback than on this forum.

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answered 27 Sep '15, 23:01

snodnipper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 25 Sep '15, 11:08

question was seen: 4,267 times

last updated: 28 Sep '15, 20:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum