Hello, I have the following problem: I want to use the OSM plugin to import data from a sqlite database that contains OSM data. In the 'Export OSM topolgy to spatialite' dialog I choose the database file and the polygon geometry. Then I click the 'Exported tags' button. This shows me the list of tags together with the count of features. In my case, I select admin_level, which has 267 features. Now I press ok. After the export, I would expect that only 267 features are inserted in the added layer. But when I check the feature count of the new layer it has about 52000 tags, which is pretty much every polygon. When I had a look at the attribute table the admin_level field has the value NULL for every feature. So, I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Any help or advice is appreciated. Torsten. |
Questions about QGIS are better asked at http://gis.stackexchange.com.
thanks, I will repost the question there
there it is: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/164069/qgis-import-osm-data-via-osm-plugin-and-sqlite-does-not-only-import-selected-tag