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Hi, I have about 160k WW geo-coordinates and I need some additional information for each lat/lon. Im already create Overpass QL query but it seems thats take a lot of time to make requests via web ( Is it possible to make such queries locally? Download planet.osm/pbf and execute overpass ql queries locally using some tools or libs or something similar.

Thanks in advance, Vic

asked 18 Sep '15, 00:48

Gaploid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Sep '15, 06:14

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

"need some additional information for each lat/lon" is called reverse geocoding if you mean to get an address/description of the location. Is there a reason for you to use Overpass? Maybe there are faster options. If you really only need reverse geocoding, bulk-geo-coding-of-business-addresses .

See for info about the public servers and their capacity/usage policy.

If you want a local instance of Overpass you can get it here

permanent link

answered 18 Sep '15, 06:20

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thanks for the answer, I need to find distance to different POIs around each lat/lon therefore I don`t need geocoding. Maybe there is a tool like osmosis to make overpass queries locally or the best way to import planet.osm to POSTGIS and make queries there?

(18 Sep '15, 11:43) Gaploid

To run Overpass queries locally, you really need to install Overpass API locally. See the installation instructions for details. Loading a full planet may take quite a bit more than 24 hours (depends on your HW), maybe check out the 'clone' feature. Once you have the DB available, you can run osm3s_query. Skip the parts for dispatcher, attic and minutely updates. You probably don't want that. If you get lost during the installation, simply ask on the Overpass development list (see Installation page for link).

(18 Sep '15, 15:47) mmd

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question asked: 18 Sep '15, 00:48

question was seen: 5,748 times

last updated: 18 Sep '15, 15:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum