Hi, I need to download a portion of map. To be more precise I need to download the area that takes from 33.1261 to 32.5294 as LAT and from -117.3381 to -117.0016 as LONG but when I click on the download button, the browser give me an "invalid response from server" page. I keep trying for several days and with different browser but the problem still remains. I also tried downloading another area of the same size and it works! How can I do? |
San Diego is relatively well mapped (for a place in the US of A that is) and the bounding box you selected contains a lot of data, defintely more than makes sense to download via a browser. Alternatives:
thank you very much for your fast reply! I found the San Diego map on Mapzen but now I don't know how to extract a sub region from that big map (I'm a newbie and I need that precise area for an academic research). To be more specific I need only roads of that area, I don't need buildings, POI, off-road tracks etc... can you help me a little more? :)
(17 Sep '15, 13:29)
Alessandro G_IT
You would need to indicate a bit more what you intend to do, for example will you require geometries of the roads (which would have to be built from the nodes first) or would the attributes/tags be enough? Note it would be better to open a new question for this.
(17 Sep '15, 13:39)
SimonPoole ♦
Thanks to all who replied about my issue. During past days I spent a lot of time searching online in order to find a tool that could help my with my task and finally I succeed. My task was to extract only freeways and on/off ramps from the area I reported above and to do this I learned using OSMFILTER. Thanks to this tool I've been able to extract only those kind of roads with a simple command via CMD. |
Just to check - when I click "export" below the co-ordinate entry and the "export" button I see some text that says "If the above export fails, please consider using one of the sources listed below", the first one of which is "Overpass API - Download this bounding box from a mirror of the OpenStreetMap database", and for me, downloading San Diego via Overpass works OK.
Do you not see the "If the above export fails" text? If not, what browser are you using?