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I need to know the estimated time spent to visit a point of interest.

Is there any info I can use from openstreetmap? Or do you have any idea? :)



asked 17 Sep '15, 06:52

alessioalx's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Sep '15, 10:36

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

How do you mean? The distance from A to B, or...?

(17 Sep '15, 07:42) Richard ♦

No, I mean something like: to visit The British museum in London the average time spent is 3 hours.

(17 Sep '15, 07:52) alessioalx

As others have mentioned such info is usually not (explicitly) recorded in our data. Although our open tagging system makes it possible that there are exceptions:

Some tourism objects which have a "duration" tagged too – I guess this is the value you're looking for. And I've also found a test field for project: that Disney park near Paris; many objects there have a duration tagged. Note: this (my text) is not a recommendation to use duration on such objects. IF we would want to tag such a visit duration maybe a more specific key (duration:visit?) would be more useful to say what is meant.

Alternative: I could imagine that you could work with an own (to be done by you!) estimation based on our classes of "POI"s and their sub/accompanying tags. This would be similar to how usual/oldschool routing engines/profiles calculate the time to travel a specific route on streets. The wiki, taginfo and overpass turbo will be your friends in that case.

  • tourism = museum → 2 h
  • tourism = theme_park → 7 h
  • tourism = viewpoint → 0.25 h
    • + man_made = tower → +0.1 h (a viewpoint which is on a tower)
      • + height = x → +0.007*x h (e.g. height=33 → + 0.231 h) (a tower which is 33 meters high)
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answered 19 Sep '15, 10:32

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 19 Sep '15, 11:13

This is interesting. Maybe I can use this approximation. Thank you :)

(19 Sep '15, 11:29) alessioalx

There is no way you can extract that information out of osm data. Even if the POI was indoor-maped and you could devise a most-likely path through the place, it wouldn't account for how long visitors spend at each spot, which ones they skip, etc.

I suggest you ask for visitor statistics from the POI administrator themselves.

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answered 17 Sep '15, 10:26

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

I need it potentially for every POI in the World. I would avoid to spam every POI administrator :)

(18 Sep '15, 11:36) alessioalx

Then I suggest you talk to your boss/client to rephrase your requirement to use a metric that is still usefull but more measurable.

(18 Sep '15, 12:07) Vincent de P... ♦

There is no boss or client, it's my own project. Unfortunately I need that value to generate automatically some itinerary.

Imagine you have to go from the point A to the point B and you have many intermediate stops. I need to know how long will be every stop to calculate the total time of the journey.

(19 Sep '15, 05:25) alessioalx

Sounds like something you might be able to do with openpaths. You can do a research request there.

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answered 17 Sep '15, 10:22

joost%20schouppe's gravatar image

joost schouppe
accept rate: 12%


Openpath is interesting, but has a strong selection bias.

The best similar data is probably owned by telephone operators, Google and Apple, but good luck getting access to that.

Public social media geocoded data from twitter, flicker, foursquare, etc are tempting, but you'll have to correlate it with the POI's visitor numbers to extract visit duration out of the node count.

(17 Sep '15, 10:38) Vincent de P... ♦

I will try openpath to get data from there as well. Thanks :) Foursquare told me they don't give that data :(

Maybe Google has it. But I don't think they share it.

(18 Sep '15, 11:32) alessioalx

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question asked: 17 Sep '15, 06:52

question was seen: 5,513 times

last updated: 19 Sep '15, 11:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum