Hi! I've got a cadastral image (.png) of my town (not so big, it covers the entire town, around 3 Km x 3 Km). I'd like to use it as a background image in the iD editor, in order to edit buildings and civic numbers. How could I accomplish that? I guess I have to tile it someway, but how can I do that? Any other tool to do it? (P.S. A guided, step-by-step noob explaination would be great! Thanks!) |
This is also possible using MapKnitter.org, which outputs a TMS tile layer usable in the id editor and others. https://publiclab.org/wiki/mapknitter-cloud-exporter#TMS |
While this is possible with iD (see answer by aseerel4c26), you could also consider using JOSM ( https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ ). JOSM has an image plugin which makes this quite easy. |
I think that the answer is to use MapWarper or a similar tool. See that older question can-map-warper-be-used-with-id for how to. |
an important issue to be cleared first: do we got permission to use the image for OSM's data?
Yes, of course! I've got permission to use it directly from the mayor
Okay fine! :-) Thank you for your work!
Just as another, general word of caution: The mayor may not be entitled to grant permissions on the data (e.g. if the "cadastral image" was made/sold/whatever by/to the country's mapping office. And furthermore: it should be clear to the person giving the "permission" that this means to agree to the Open Database License and our Contributor Terms (both see my link above).
Oh, and you might want to take care - the cadastre may be out of date (illegal buildings, planned but not built buildings, …), but with your local knowledge it may be a good help.
Similar question: https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/42258/using-images-as-backgrounds