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Hi All

I got the map data source in .shp formate so I use JOSM to save it as .osm format and then osm2pgsql it into database. However the converted .osm seems not be able to properly rendered by my tile server because there is nothing showing in my browser while my other map layers can still show normally.

I have checked there is some meta tiles generated like 136.meta, 8.meta, etc in the renderd folder /var/lib/mod_tile/layer/. However my browser does not show anything. I am running my own tile server by the way following the switch2osm tutorial.

The only thing difference between the converted .osm and normal .osm is that JOSM editor assigned negative ids to the nodes in the map. Is that the reason why this is happening? How should I solve this?

Thanks guys.

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asked 13 Sep '15, 09:06

dalishi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Sep '15, 04:28

Are your meta tiles perhaps all the same size? Then they're likely empty. Perhaps because the OSM data you created was either not imported at all (count the number of objects in your postgres tables) or the data was imported, but did not have the proper tags. What kind of shape files did you use and what did you expect to see on the map?

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answered 13 Sep '15, 13:33

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Hi @Frederik Ramm thanks for your reply. I followed your checking advices. (1)The meta tiles are of different size. (2) count number of objects: 23. Please check my previous post where I added the screen shot. (3) The tags. The JOSM converted .osm does include certain tags. Please also see my added screen shot. But I am not quite sure what is the "proper tags" you mentioned that is necessary for rendering. The .shp file is from our own team which is generated by ArcGIS. We want to render the data just as we render the osm data.

(14 Sep '15, 04:27) dalishi

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question asked: 13 Sep '15, 09:06

question was seen: 2,903 times

last updated: 14 Sep '15, 04:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum