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Hi, I am using MapFactor may I ask how do we enable house or street numbers data into the Australia OSM?

Do I have to download the data for house numbers separately?

I know there is the Google search feature that works great, but it would be awesome if we did not need an internet connection to search for an address as some places have poor phone coverage and no wifi.

Many thanks!

asked 13 Sep '15, 00:50

potatoe's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I don't know MapFactor, but when I look at the data in Canberra I notice that there are not a lot of housenumbers. As I don't know in which area you are looking, it is possible that the data does not exists in OSM yet.

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answered 13 Sep '15, 10:40

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 13 Sep '15, 10:41

Hi escada, thanks for your reply. I am looking at the Perth, WA area. I assume that the house number data also does not exist yet. I guess we will have to add the house numbers in manually?

(16 Sep '15, 11:01) potatoe

as far as I can see on the main map, there are no buildings and no house numbers. The preferred way is indeed to go out, collect the house numbers and improve the map when you're back. In some countries (e.g. The Netherlands & Denmark) they imported all the house numbers from government data. There is a whole procedure you have to follow to do this (and the data should be available under the correct license). Get in touch with the Australian community (e.g. mailing list) to see what they are up to.

(16 Sep '15, 12:13) escada

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question asked: 13 Sep '15, 00:50

question was seen: 8,967 times

last updated: 16 Sep '15, 12:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum