Hi all, I am very new to this and just managed to install OSMOSIS. I am trying to test run a small data extract, but it files finding the data osmosis --read-pbf moldova-latest.osm.pbf --bounding-box top=47.0 left=28.0 bottom=46.0 right=29.0 --write-pbf cut.pbf Does this bring the Moldova file from the internet or do I need to place the file in a certain folder. Any help greatly appreciated Many thanks Jon
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For this type of operation I would strongly suggest using osmconvert. Osmosis has had issues with its Windows distribution for at least 6 years. As SomeoneElse shows they can be fixed, but there are other less painful routes. Thanks, yes came across osmconvert and being using this.
(14 Sep '15, 09:12)
Your command line is looking for moldova-latest.osm.pbf in the directory that you are currently in.
Thanks, but now I get another error failed to initialise Osmosis pbf serializer
I think I will try with the planet.pbf
Don't try the planet until a small extract works. You'll need to provide more information (what OS you're using, how did you install osmosis etc.) to get more meaningful help.
Using windows 7 enterprise
Downloaded the latest OSMOSIS file, and had to change the batch file plexus-classworlds-2.4.jar to plexus-classworlds-2.5.2.jar to get OSMOSIS working on my PC
The point of this task is that I use ESRI software and I have built various models to extract OSM data into ESRI Geeodatabases and to merge the OSM Shapefiles (that contain labels) with the database. I want to play with the .pbf formats to see what other useful info/metadata is available and see on the tags work.
I will most likely stay with the ESRI model that have for extracting .osm data. But I would like to have OSMOSIS working
Thanks for the help!
It's not just you and it's not just a problem with our wiki page. As currently packaged osmosis doesn't work on Windows. There's the plexus-classworlds change that you spotted, but also clearly something else (and not just that the readme is wrong).
What I've done in the past on Windows is just ignore osmosis' bizarre packaging attempt and set the CLASSPATH manually. That may work, but requires more knowledge of Java than users ought to need.
I'll have a look at it if time permits today - but with a bit of luck somebody somewhere may have a distribution that actually works.
Many thanks, looking forward to it. If you do find a solution please email me on jonathan.mccloskey1@btinternet.com
I've tidied up the readme and the batch file to make them more likely to work in most cases. See https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/osmosis/releases/tag/ .
Try the zip file at https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/osmosis/releases/download/ . I've added a pbf example to the readme - if it still doesn't work post the full command line here. FWIW it works for me on Windows now when run with a Java version that identifies as "Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_60-b27)".
Many thanks!!