Has anyone ever tried to add the participants in a battle ? The Wiki is not clear about it. I stumbled over a battlefield in WWII, between the Allied forces and Germany, the first part was an American - German struggle and the second part a few km to the east a British - German battle. This kind of scheme has for instance been used at the ridge of Vimy as well, where the Canadians were able to take the ridge. After the French and British forces did not succeed. |
If there is a memorial or monument then you can add this kind of information in a description. There is also historic=battlefield for which you can add a short description. Otherwise such kind of information doesn't belong to OSM. We are not Wikipedia. Yet it will be of help to add a wikidata or wikipedia tag so that the corresponding information can be found easily by end user tools, as noted by user SK53. 4
Indeed a link to wikipedia or wikidata will enable people to retrieve such information.
(08 Sep '15, 13:55)
SK53 ♦
Thanks guys, I don’t fancy Wikipedia. We add all kind of information to buildings and areas, so I’m wondering if nothing get attached to the battlefield tag, is the tag useful ? It even won’t fit a military defense position reaching > 10 - 30 km in length which has been served as a barrier for some time. Where to put the battlefield tag ?
(08 Sep '15, 14:26)
to be honest, I wonder whether historic=battlefield should be mapped at all. We only map what is visible on the ground. So we might map bunkers etc. But how does a battlefield look like ? If there is a sign that tells you that there once was a battle, shouldn't we map the sign and not the battlefield ?
(08 Sep '15, 16:52)
@escada The wiki description for historic=battlefield is rather sparse but in my opinion it should only be used if the battlefield has been preserved or restored somehow. For example take a look at Culloden Battlefield which has several memorials (I think the monument tags are wrong here) and a museum. If there are no remains at all then it shouldn't be tagged in my opinion.
(08 Sep '15, 17:07)
scai ♦
Yep I doubt it allready, good point & agreed. I know several defensive lines with recognizable ditches, but there has not been a battle so I did not add it.
(08 Sep '15, 17:09)
thanks scai !
(08 Sep '15, 19:39)
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