I have been tagging totem poles in my town "man_made=totem_pole" similar to how utility poles are tagged. I want to encourage others to do the same for their area. Specifically people in the Pacific Northwest of the US. First of all, does the tag seem like the correct format? And second, is it okay to start telling people to tag their totem poles this way? Thanks! |
I don't think you need to go down the tag proposal route for something as niche as this I would recommend creating a wiki page and add a list of additional tags that make sense. For example, would tagging be appropriate for adding info in the same manner that amenity=place_of_worship almost always includes religion= and denomination= tags too by default. The man_made tag is perfectly ok to use, but depending on the significance of the totem poles you should consider alternatives for the main tag, for example the historic=monument tag or others along those lines. See here for other tags used in relation to totem poles 4
Making a map, e.g. with umap that shows all totem poles will help gaining support
(03 Sep '15, 09:52)
What I'd also do is talk to the local community (maybe start via the talk-us mailing list) and try and find out (using taginfo.openstreetmap.org and the "overpass turbo" link from there) what people map them as currently.
(03 Sep '15, 09:56)
SomeoneElse ♦
In time, if/when there are a decent amount of them mapped, you could make a pull request to the main OSM style ( https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto ) to display them on the main map. This can encourage others to map them.
(03 Sep '15, 10:47)
Hierarchy in tag is helpful. E.g. historic=monument with monument_type=totem_pole will enable them to be rendered as monuments on a lot of maps but can still be rendered specifically on a map that is more aware/interested.
(03 Sep '15, 17:37)
Thank you all for your input. I think I will use the email chain to discuss historic=monument, monument=totem_pole vs. man_made=totem_pole.
(03 Sep '15, 21:22)
You ask a question like this & people like me go and use your tag: http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/34733637 |
Okay I found the proposal process page. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposal_process
So I'm following that route now. Thanks!