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Here is what I need to do: on a mobile application, get the road distance in km from the user location to all nearby hospitals and clinics. I am looking for a free solution that will accept a high number of queries.

I saw the Project OSRM server API and find it very interesting. However, the number of distances needed by user is too high for individual queries and the "table" service delivers travel time instead of distance length.

An API would be ideal but I am open to installing a local version of openstreetmap on the server for internal queries. Sadly, I am rather unsure how to proceed with that.

Thank you for your help.

asked 31 Aug '15, 20:51

Marc%20Perreault's gravatar image

Marc Perreault
accept rate: 0%

Marc, try to inform or create cooperation with the clinics and hospitals. Just to avoid needles journeys with sick emergency patients to a nearby hospital that has room nor bed four your patient.

(31 Aug '15, 21:26) Hendrikklaas

This is actually the point of this application. It finds the hospitals and clinics nearest to your location and show how full they are. Right now, it calculates that distance using crow flight. This create obvious problems in cases where the hospital is right on the other side of a river but there are no nearby bridges or anything like that.

(31 Aug '15, 21:57) Marc Perreault

You can install OSRM on your own server and feed a "planet extract" (= OpenStreetMap data for one country or region) into it. You can then tweak the maximum grid size returned by OSRM's table service.

To get distance rather than travel time, you will (currently) need to alter the Lua speed profile used by OSRM, such that all roads have the same speed. This will, of course, mean that the shortest route is found rather than the fastest. There's an open issue to show distances in the OSRM table call by default:

permanent link

answered 01 Sep '15, 16:08

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 01 Sep '15, 16:09

Thank you for the answer, I will check into it.

(01 Sep '15, 17:15) Marc Perreault

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question asked: 31 Aug '15, 20:51

question was seen: 10,046 times

last updated: 01 Sep '15, 17:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum