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I am a new in this, I have been fixing some problems in the map like a "road is two-way"

I realized that the routing is bad and i edited the map, and set some setting like access car, yes...

but I don't see the changes...

alt text

why if I edited the highway, the routing don't change??

sorry for my english...

asked 31 Aug '15, 18:30

DarckBlezzer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Aug '15, 18:35

Here is the location in question: Next time please give us a link, it's time-consuming to copy the coordinates from your image. While fixing the routing also try to look at other tags. For example way 366857236 seems to be the result of a merge. The maxspeed, lanes and surface tags don't make any sense. Also the name seems to be a mixup of several names which is usually wrong.

(01 Sep '15, 07:42) scai ♦

via github issue tracker from OSRM backend I got the information that in these days (August/Sept. 2015) there are problems with updating the OSRM database ... so you have to pay attention to each routing web service about its database up-to-date time.

(01 Sep '15, 18:28) stephan75

It may take a couple of days for updated information to be used by the routing engine so you will have to wait. If you show, or give a link or the lat lon others can check the data.

permanent link

answered 31 Aug '15, 19:28

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 31 Aug '15, 18:30

question was seen: 3,551 times

last updated: 01 Sep '15, 18:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum