In Pennsylvania, most towns are defined as "boroughs". However, when tagging a node as place=borough, the name does not render at all on the map. Is there a reason for this? It makes it hard to find places without the name label on the map. |
Nodes with place=borough will probably be rendered if they are defined as the label of an administrative boundary relation. Of course, then you will need the data of the borders between boroughs. Here is some info as to what administrative devision goes into which admin_level in different states. |
You probably mean the standard style (osm-carto)? Not all tags gets rendered there and there was some discussion about adding it, but it's closed now: If you have something more to add and clarify the problem, try to write down your opinion there. According to this issue the decision is to not render place=borough in the standard layer.
(31 Aug '15, 08:13)
scai ♦
You can try to participate in the related discussion here: You will need a GitHub account, though.