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I've been trying to Export OSM data for while but get an error message that the request has timed out. This operation is something I often do as I develop custom Garmin maps. I have seen the message before but usually re-submitting the request a few minutes later works. But not this time. I tried last night and now this morning and the same message appears each time no matter how big or little I make the bounding box:

Error: runtime error: open64: 0 Success /osm3s_v0.7.51_osm_base Dispatcher_Client::request_read_and_idx::timeout. Probably the server is overcrowded.

The same thing happens if I try to download an area in JOSM using any of the File>>Download from.... options

Communication with the OSM server '' timed out. Please retry later

What's going on?

asked 25 Aug '15, 01:07

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

  1. For questions regarding potential server problems (i.e. questions that are likely irrelevant as soon as the problem is fixed), it is better to use IRC. See the "What kinds of questions should be avoided?" section in the FAQ (link in upper right corner of this page).
  2. If you frequently require exports, maybe the web page isn't the right tool to begin with; download an extract that covers the area you're interested in (e.g. from or and then use Osmosis or osmconvert to cut out your area of interest. Or use for a custom area selection.
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answered 25 Aug '15, 08:03

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 25 Aug '15, 10:01

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦


Frederick, Your answer is not particularly helpful. I have never used the IRC channel, and this behavior is so bizarre that I felt a need to ask the question here. I've been unable to export even a few hundred MB of data since yesterday. The problem continues 18 hours after I first observed it. You could have simply responded with information, if you have it, about whether the server is experiencing difficulty or not.

But seeing as you talk about an IRC channel, what channel might that be? Alternatively, is there some sort of status page for OSM servers?

I add data to OSM almost every day because I want to include my edits and additions in a current GPS image so I don't map the same areas and POIs twice. Consequently I need frequent downloads of up-to-the-minute data. Waiting a week or even a day for new data to appear on one of those servers, or downloading huge parts of the dataset when what I want is usually a few hundred megabytes is wasteful and does not give me what I want.

(25 Aug '15, 09:52) AlaskaDave

@alaskadave I've updated the IRC link.

(25 Aug '15, 10:01) SomeoneElse ♦

The Export function is finally working again. I tried the #OSM channel but abandoned that approach pretty quickly.

I reckon the server issue that was affecting my work will have to remain a mystery to me.

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answered 25 Aug '15, 14:20

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 25 Aug '15, 01:07

question was seen: 5,676 times

last updated: 25 Aug '15, 14:20

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