The wiki says to remove the tag "Tiger reviewed=no". Does this mean type "=yes", or to actually remove it? Also, (Sorry, I know there should be no 'also' here), does my comparing a way to Bing and correcting it amount to a 'review'? I've been trying to clean up many roads in cities I know (mostly alignment). Thanks, Tom |
You can remove the tag altogether. That the road came from TIGER originally is visible from other tags if anyone should be interested. There are no hard and fast rules about what constitutes a "review" but if you have satisfied yourself (using aerial imagery and local knowledge) that nothing is obviously wrong, I reckon the road is as good as anything manually mapped, so don't be shy. "Reviewed" does certainly not mean "guaranteed 100% correct". Thanks for your answer, Frederik. It seems to me to be mostly common sense, eg: there is no railroad going through that hospital, and the straight roads on Bing are probably right, and the TIGER random placements are probably wrong.
(14 Apr '11, 13:30)
Tom Layo
Hey Tom, please post your words of thanking not as a new answer to your original question, but as a comment to Frederiks answer. (because this site is not organized like a chronological forum, but a FAQ system with voting each answer to find the best) You can convert your "answer" into a comment by selecting "more" with that little black triangle.
(14 Apr '11, 13:43)