Hello Team, I run World Possible, developers of "RACHEL, RACHEL-Pi, and RACHEL-Plus". We curate and develop RACHEL (remote area community hotspots for education and learning) to provide free educational content to communities lacking internet access (we're in 41 countries that we know of). I'd like to add OSM to our server packages, one based on the Raspberry Pi and one One based on the Intel CAP. Both run Ubuntu derivatives. Is there anyone interested in helping me integrate OSM? Thank you! Best, Jeremy |
Hi Jeremy I suspect that if you want concrete "holding hands" help you will be better off asking on the OSM dev mailing list or the #osm-dev IRC channel. I'm further fairly sure that you best bet would be to run a web server off a pre-rendered tile set likely max zoom level 12 with some interesting areas to higher zooms. Alternative would be to build something based on vector tiles with client based rendering, see Richard Fairhursts tilemaker for a tool that would allow you to generate a static set of vector tiles. The downside is that you either need clients that can support on device rendering or you would have to render the vector tiles on demand to images on the server (which is likely to be rather slow). The other issue is that I don't believe anybody has tried to generate a worldwide tile set with tilemaker yet, but pre-generating could naturally be done on a super-hefty machine. |
If Raspberry Pies were super powerful, that could look like this. You download the complete dataset, then generate tiles based on them. Next you will need a website to show these tiles on. If you want more services, you could install a geocoder. And maybe some routing too? If you want your students to be able to make data extracts, you could install a very easy data extraction tool too. (Just using the first option that comes to mind, for every one of these services and steps there are several options.) Keeping the limited hardware in mind, you would probably be better of using a desktop application. There are several available for linux. Edit: rewrote answer after quite relevant comment by scai :) Edited again: changed link about tiles to different page 1
Slight caveat - I'd probably like to the 14.04 switch2osm server instructions rather than the 12.04 ones: https://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/manually-building-a-tile-server-14-04/
(06 Aug '15, 13:57)
SomeoneElse ♦
... and a bit of a comment about scale. I currently run a tileserver covering the English north and Midlands in a VM with 2Gb RAM and 30Gb disk. Database operations and rendering are going to struggle in the 512Mb of a pi but serving existing tiles may be doable.
(06 Aug '15, 14:03)
SomeoneElse ♦
Where is the "edit" link on switch2osm...
(06 Aug '15, 14:19)
joost schouppe
Please explain what you mean by "integrate OSM", ideally by illustrating what you would like your users to be able to do with OSM.
Thanks, Frederick. Users currently connect to one of our offline servers with a variety of client devices (desktops, laptops, tablets, etc.). They are faced with a web page offering a variety of website's we've pulled offline (wikipedia, khan academy, etc). preview at http://rachel.worldpossible.org
I'd like to be hosting OSM on our server so that users can use maps in an educational setting. When they're learning geography, I'd like them to be able to explore OSM or their countries in maps. They'd be viewing OSM through a client device web browser like how I might go view google maps.