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I have looked at tags, and even remapped it, the only difference between this bridge and the next one over the weir is the level, is that the problem, or do i have to wait for recent data to get used by the routing enginefor it to work OK? see picalt text

asked 05 Aug '15, 18:38

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 05 Aug '15, 18:40


I can't see any mapping/tagging problem so I suggest to wait a little longer for the routers to update their data.

(05 Aug '15, 19:28) scai ♦

Thanks scai

(05 Aug '15, 19:50) andy mackey

I have tried simulating routing through this and another way that lacks foot=designated both which also fail the routing test. To do the test i used downloads of Garmin gmapsupps.imgs from talky toaster and openfeltsmap which i opened with Garmin Basecamp both show the same problem. I have corrected the other way and will wait for a few days to see if the router on openstreetmap main page shows the tagging is fixed. I am confident we have solved the problem. watch this space, or test it yourself.

(05 Aug '15, 22:42) andy mackey

07 aug 2015 now routes across bridge with both routers. so job done

(07 Aug '15, 09:49) andy mackey

keepright reported an error, but it seems you have fixed it recently

permanent link

answered 06 Aug '15, 08:07

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

Thanks, i should have noticed that break, but i knew there was a problem so deleted that section and remapped it. it is good to find why routing would not work. it also explains why the route appeared to go part way over the bridge when i used one of the routing engines.

(06 Aug '15, 08:57) andy mackey

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question asked: 05 Aug '15, 18:38

question was seen: 3,254 times

last updated: 07 Aug '15, 09:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum