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Hello i ask a second question here, is it possible to export (from JOSM ?) all road associated to a town in GPX files associated with road name (one road = one gpx file)? perhaps there are some scripts existing ? but such script could perhaps stress servers i don't know... thanks Jean-Philippe

asked 04 Aug '15, 15:41

Commenailles's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Aug '15, 15:41


What is teh benefit when you have all roads of a place in single files with its streetname as filename?

Why do you not use shapefile format or geoJSON or something similar?

Please edit your question and add some information about your aim in general.

Because I am not aware of such a GPX exporter.

Only I know is where you can query for features and export as ONE single GPX file ... or other better formats.

(04 Aug '15, 19:18) stephan75

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question asked: 04 Aug '15, 15:41

question was seen: 3,298 times

last updated: 04 Aug '15, 19:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum