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I wanted to build my own tile server as written on switch2osm site. In short: render is not happening (more details you can find here).

Seems that mod_tile is not installed correctly. First it gave some errors during installation and in the end error message was:

27 warnings and 4 errors generated. apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536

I removed this source (original from openstreet) and downloaded new one from here. This time installation went without error, only some warnings. But rendering is still not happening (it's stuck on <debug>: Using web mercator projection settings and doesn't move on).

Data about my system goes here:
OS: Mac OS 10.9.4
Python: 2.7.5
Mapnik: 3.0.1-pre
Server version: Apache/2.2.26 (Unix)

Installation logs are put in here.

Please help me, without you I'm stuck forever(

asked 31 Jul '15, 12:17

elenai's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Jul '15, 13:53

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question asked: 31 Jul '15, 12:17

question was seen: 2,814 times

last updated: 31 Jul '15, 13:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum