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Some places have seating that's a curved stone/brick wall-like structure, that shouldn't IMO be tagged as a bench, but that's more than an ordinary wall (because it's used as seating and is usually not that high). How do I tag these cases? Thanks,

asked 29 Jul '15, 01:40

AmaryllisGardener's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi AmarilisGardener, why not following the Wiki and pre options, take a look here and leave backrest=yes out of the tagging scheme. Tagged with JOSM amenity=bench, colour=red, material=masonry. It has a wooden seat over the masonry, I did not tag that item. I do have a pic but send it if necessary. The curved form is strange for the slippy map.

permanent link

answered 29 Jul '15, 15:18

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


I think you meant to link to What you describe sounds like it has defined seating and cleanly fits the definition of a bench. The one described by @amaryllisgardener sounds more informal and doesn't have wooden seating.

(29 Jul '15, 18:04) alester

Yes, while it id designated as seating, (one of my cases is in an outdoor amphitheater), but it doesn't have wooden seating, it has concrete.

(30 Jul '15, 01:19) AmaryllisGar...

Hi guys, Ill tag a bench shaped concrete sculpture as bench, with or without backrest, if it’s an old amphitheater I recon to bring my own cushion. The concrete or masonry shaped bench is a vandal free object, without burning attributes, so they come in growing numbers.

(30 Jul '15, 09:33) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 29 Jul '15, 01:40

question was seen: 2,922 times

last updated: 30 Jul '15, 09:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum