I created a relation (data below) route type and like to know how search it in OSM (Nominatim). Do not assign name to it. I can only find it by searching for the tag:ref their main route (MS-166). Data relation/route:
This question is marked "community wiki".
Unfortunately, you didn't tell us why you want to use Nominatim for this purpose. I would recommend to use Overpass API for such exactly defined tags: Query:
Try it in overpass turbo: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/aE2 Adjust the ref tag as needed I do not, but other people who do not know the road. If the route exists is because for a purpose. What would it be? To join the "thousands" of parts of a highway or determine a destination / origin more easily. For example, the relation limits neighborhoods. If the neighborhood is delimited, when your name is entered in researching the OSM (Nominatim), the district boundary is shown in the result (orange line). That's what I want to happen in the case of road routes, you understand now?
(29 Jul '15, 18:36)
If you want something to happen that isn't currently happening, that's a feature request and should be entered in the issue tracker for that particular software. This site is just for finding out "how do I...?".
(29 Jul '15, 22:40)
Richard ♦
Richard, I know the purpose dessse forum, but thought something might be wrong in the relationship that I created. Okay, tell me how to make this appeal request, please.
(30 Jul '15, 12:36)
Just guessing but it is quite possible that Nominatim ignores relations without names. In the end it is mainly a service for searching named features. If you know more specific information about the object you are searching for (like ref and network) then Overpass API might be a better choice.
(30 Jul '15, 13:33)
scai ♦
scai, I tested before with name like that; * Route name: MS-166 (official name of the main Highway Route). But one OSM user informed me that it is not correct to name the route (relationship) with the name of any member of it (route). Although not condorde it, as this can be done (and I do) in the relations of the limits of neighborhoods, I removed the name. He told me that if the route has no official name, the route is best to stay unnamed. What do you think?
(30 Jul '15, 14:28)
That's correct, don't make up your own names. Also see name is the name only.
(30 Jul '15, 14:57)
scai ♦
Yes, but with no name will be ignored in the OSM search, as was said before. In fact, road routes (in theory) have no names. For example, if it goal is to group the "thousands" of stretches of highway. But it should be possible to locate them (identify them) in the search.
(30 Jul '15, 16:39)
Nominatim is a geocoder and not made for finding all kinds of objects in the OSM database. Is there any particular reason why Overpass API doesn't work for you?
(30 Jul '15, 17:09)
scai ♦
For me there is no problem because I created the route and know find it (even by nominatim) but for the common OSM users. As they find this route? When I create something in OSM, I think the end user and the difficulties he may have.
(30 Jul '15, 18:01)
openstreetmap.org isn't intended to be an end-user service with all the features of a commercial mapping service.
(30 Jul '15, 18:10)
Richard ♦
Yes, but small increments, as this (search routes made relations), can be done.
(30 Jul '15, 18:50)
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