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I saw that Mozambique has only got provincial boundaries so far in OSM,I do have all the recent boundaries of province and districts but in the form for .shp. I wanted to know a step by step process that I could follow to edit the Mozambique map in OSM. I want to do this because there is another application that is extracting data from OSM for mapping purpose and they could only extract the provincial boundaries. That application can only read the OSM format.

asked 28 Jul '15, 15:15

Abdul%20Bari%20Farahi's gravatar image

Abdul Bari F...
accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jul '15, 16:36

DaCor's gravatar image



Hi Abdul,

This is where OSM is different, all the data is available for commercial use under the ODbL licence. Any data added to OSM must be compatible with that licence or risk deletion.

Please understand, I am not trying to put up a roadblock. Quite the contrary, I will happily assist you once the licence issue is resolved.

Please see here for further information

(28 Jul '15, 16:48) DaCor

Hi, welcome :)

Can you clarify please, the source of and the licence that covers, the boundary data file that you have.

I ask because very often data such at this is covered by a copyright or licence that makes it incompatible with the OpenStreetMap licence.

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answered 28 Jul '15, 16:26

DaCor's gravatar image

accept rate: 2%

Hello, The shape files are actually generated by the institute of national statistics here in Mozambique; however open to be used for any type of analysis or use.

(28 Jul '15, 16:35) Abdul Bari F...

beside this, there are administrative boundaries also available for non-commercial use ( here. So let me know if we can use them.

(28 Jul '15, 16:42) Abdul Bari F...


While many stats bodies publish data for general usage, there are, like I said before, licences that must be taken into consideration. Before this data can be added to OSM the licence applied to it must be known.

That institute has a website, , which is currently down at the moment so I could not get information from the source and as far as I can tell, there is no national mapping agency in Mozambique.

(28 Jul '15, 16:43) DaCor

Hi Dacor, Let me get in touch with INE in Mozambique and get further details about the license.

(29 Jul '15, 07:49) Abdul Bari F...

Hello Dacor, I have not been able to get a clear answer for the OPDL license type of the mozambique shape files. I think I should be able to do some labor work for creating district level shape file. could you provide some guidance for doing that so.


Abdul Bari

(14 Sep '15, 15:44) Abdul Bari F...

Hi Abdul,

First, I commend you on your persistence. It can often be a slow and painful process trying to get licencing questions answered and often times you will find the answer is not the one you want.

Unless you plan on copying the boundaries from "out of copyright" maps or an open licensed source, even creating your own versions of these boundaries still won't be acceptable in OSM as they will have been derived from a closed source.

Frustrating, I know.

If the INE do not apply a licence by default to their datasets, you could ask them to sign a release to give you permission to use the data for OpenStreetMap purposes. If you don't have one handy, I have a copy which you could use. This is a similar approach I had to take with in Lesotho to obtain a lot of their geo datasets.

Be warned though, this could take a long time to happen and may prove fruitless in the end, however, if accepted, the rewards are often worth all the hard work because it offers you a starting point from which to obtain a LOT of other useful govt. datasets

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answered 14 Sep '15, 19:45

DaCor's gravatar image

accept rate: 2%

Thanks Dacor,

Could you please share the Handy copy, I will share it with UNICEF partnership section in order to see if we can get permissions from INE.


Abdul Bari

(15 Sep '15, 08:14) Abdul Bari F...

Dear Dacor,

I hope you are fine and doing well. Could you please share with me the letter/Handy copy so that I can share with our colleagues and see if we could sign the approval from INE.

(06 Oct '15, 16:22) Abdul Bari F...

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question asked: 28 Jul '15, 15:15

question was seen: 4,491 times

last updated: 06 Oct '15, 18:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum