Street name shown Palace Guttahalli Main Road in Bangalore, India,is incomplete hence misleading. It must accurately be shown as Palace Guttahalli SECONDMain Road, or, alternately, 2nd Main Road, Palace Guttahalli. Please rectify this error. |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question" by sleske 27 Jul '15, 11:27
You can fix it yourself! At the top of the website there's a "help" link, which lists lots of resources such as a beginners' guide, and at the top is "Welcome to OSM". Follow that, and either start mapping yourself to fix it, or add a note. |
OpenStreetMap is a crowd sourced, community made map. That means that people like you can fix and improve the map yourself. You can get another intro to OSM here. |
Duplicate of How do I change a street name?.