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I have a docker instance running Nominatim pulled from the development version. It originally loads Monaco as the OSM data, but I "Drop database if exists nominatim" and loaded it with Minnesota OSM data without problem and then TIGER EDGES zip files were downloaded, parsed into sql and then imported into the database. My location_property_tiger table has 85 million rows with that count(*) taking minutes. The local nominatim api has OSM data queryable, but no housenumbers that aren't OSM. Does anyone have ideas on troubleshooting the database or things I haven't thought of.

Here are all the tables that have www-data as the grantee:

grantor  | grantee  | table_catalog | table_schema |       table_name        | privilege_type | is_grantable | with_hierarchy 
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | country_name            | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | import_status           | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | gb_postcode             | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | planet_osm_ways         | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | query_log               | INSERT         | NO           | NO
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | query_log               | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | query_log               | UPDATE         | NO           | NO
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | new_query_log           | INSERT         | NO           | NO
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | new_query_log           | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | new_query_log           | UPDATE         | NO           | NO
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | location_property_aux   | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | planet_osm_rels         | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | import_polygon_error    | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | import_polygon_delete   | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | location_property_tiger | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | word                    | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | placex                  | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | place_addressline       | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | location_area           | SELECT         | NO           | YES
 nominatim | www-data | nominatim     | public       | search_name             | SELECT         | NO           | YES
(20 rows)

edit: I added debug=1 to the query string and I am getting strange differences in the parsing from the OSM nominatim instance. For example for an address that is not in the OSM data: 16117 160th St, Redwood County, Minnesota it shows the housenumber as 160th and 16117 as the name token. For an address that is in the OSM data : 3554 Emerson Ave S, Minneapolis it gives similar debug data to the OSM Nominatim instance. 3554 as the House Number and Emerson Ave S as the Name Token.

edit: Does anyone have any advice on what the settings.php file needs to look like. I don't know if I'm totally flailing, but I think that is the problem. What should the snippet of code below look like if I am trying to have Tigerline information as a fallback? Also I can't find good documentation on the settings.php file, so if you could point me in the right direction there, that would be great.

    // address computation tables - update only
@define('CONST_Tablespace_Address_Data', false);
@define('CONST_Tablespace_Address_Index', false);
// search tables - needed for lookups
@define('CONST_Tablespace_Search_Data', false);
@define('CONST_Tablespace_Search_Index', false);
// additional data, e.g. TIGER data, type searches - needed for lookups
@define('CONST_Tablespace_Aux_Data', false);
@define('CONST_Tablespace_Aux_Index', false);

asked 23 Jul '15, 03:07

boydjohnson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Aug '15, 23:28

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question asked: 23 Jul '15, 03:07

question was seen: 3,330 times

last updated: 27 Aug '15, 23:28

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