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I use an application cz.aponia.bor3.offlinemaps / Offline maps & Navigation for my offline gps application. because the data from the application maps using OpenStreetMap, I am interested, because the data is always updated freely. but in reality the data is not updated at all like the one in the website version

I want to ask, how many times the data offline for gps application is updated? if this fault party application developers or other errors?

thank you

asked 23 Jul '15, 00:45

31fahmi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The updating of offline map data is fully in the hands of whoever runs the process, i.e. in this case most likely the makers of the app you are using. Contact them to find out how often they update - perhaps they even have a tool that you can use to convert OSM files into maps for their app.

OSM data is made available weekly in the form of a full dump, and there are also minutely updates, so the app supplier could in theory produce very up-to-date maps if they wanted.

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answered 23 Jul '15, 07:14

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


do you have any suggestion for application on android that update their map data frequently?

(23 Jul '15, 09:35) 31fahmi

OSMAnd may not have the most frequent map updates, but its map file creation process is well-documented, so you could set up daily map updates yourself with a reasonable amount of work.

(23 Jul '15, 10:55) Vincent de P... ♦

Normally, Osmand's map files are updated every 10 days!!

The app mentioned in the question above is Be-on-road. My experience is that map updates are published only two or three times in a year :-(

Keep on asking the guys from Be-on-road!

(23 Jul '15, 16:38) stephan75

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question asked: 23 Jul '15, 00:45

question was seen: 3,161 times

last updated: 23 Jul '15, 16:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum