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How can I name subdivisions or neighborhoods (for better accuracy)?

asked 12 Apr '11, 17:46

elsaddiq's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is actually still a gap in our tagging system for these. Up to now the lowest place subcategory for towns and cities is suburb (used also in the center).

If you just want to assign a name to an area, you could do this with name=xy associated for instance to an area tagged "landuse=residential". If there are different landuses and/or several polygons you could make a multipolygon to combine the parts under a common name. This will record the name, but it will not denote the kind of subdivison (like neighbourhood), not even the type of feature.

I suggest to continue discussion about this on the tagging mailing list.

permanent link

answered 13 Apr '11, 02:31

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 13 Apr '11, 02:33


There have been a few discussions about this topic before. I created a wiki article on HOAs, which links to a related discussion on the forums about handling neighborhoods:

dieterdreist is right though, there is a gap right now. We should definitely have further discussions, and since the forum post is active, I'd encourage you to read and discuss this there:

He's mostly discussing how to map given current tags, however I believe we might need to create new ones.

(13 Apr '11, 21:39) JoshD

I've moved some of the HOA content to an article dedicated to neighborhoods:

Hopefully we can have some discussions on this and reach consensus. Use the forum, mailing list, or talk page for this. The article above links to some current discussions.

(13 Apr '11, 22:04) JoshD

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question asked: 12 Apr '11, 17:46

question was seen: 6,110 times

last updated: 13 Apr '11, 22:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum