Hi, i would like to inform you about a project we are working on in CERTH -HIT research institute in Greece. We need to edit/add some information in osm using josm about Civil Protection and Disaster Management of a specific area and after the end, the project will be available for use in other areas and countries. More specifically, at first we need the information given about the roads of the small town Amyndeo and the roads nearby. We'll need to add the capacity (how many vehicles pass from this way in an hour) of these roads according to their characteristics (name, lanes, speed limit, directions, turn restrictions etc). If they are not given we'll have to add those, too. After we have finished with that, we'll need to add some other information about the area of the western Macedonia. We'll need to take into account the probability of disasters either natural or human (industrial etc) and the possibility to solve them using the transportation web. So we'll have to know if there are any fire brigades, what are the ground limits of each fire department, where lakes, rivers, forests, sea and housing exist, if there are factories, industrial buildings, public buildings in the area we are concerned about. To do that we'll need to change some tags, such as wrong street names or type of highway (if there's something wrong), and add some new ones, so that our programmers will find the specific tags and make use of them to simulate the disaster management. We suggest those tags: maxspeed (add/edit the speed limits according to the signs, the personal knowledge and the traffic police) lanes (same with above) oneway=yes/no (same with above) name:en (the exact name in English) name:el (the exact name in Greek) capacity (the maximum number of vehicles per hour) Also, we'll need to add some boundaries about the fire departments limits. We suggest to use the fire_boundary=yes tag and relations with the type=boundary (name:en and name:el too) We haven't encounter any other problem yet as the project is ongoing. We request your suggestions about the tags or any other comment about our effort. Thank you |
Not sure this is the right place to make such an announcement: perhaps the talk mailing list or a diary entry are more suitable.
There is some process to introduce new tags. You are not required to follow this process, but since you seem new to the way OSM works, I think it is better to discuss the new tags you want to use with the community. This can be the local Greek community, or via e.g. the tagging mailing list.
In case you introduce new tags, please document them on the wiki, so others know what you mean.
E.g. when you introduce a new boundary type, please follow the "schema" used for boundary types as explained in an answer to one of your other questions. fire_boundary=yes is not a good idea.
I'm not sure whether the average car count on a road really belongs in OSM.