The simple answer is just to delete it. If it is a notable building, or if the build date and take-down date are known, consider adding the information to Open Historical Map.. If there are other people in your region who regularly review OSM's data against aerial imagery, consider just removing all tags and leaving an empty way with a note that the building no longer exists. That way it won't spring back to life as someone else adds it again. 1
I like the idea of leaving the way with changed tags. That could be useful with foot paths that have re routed by law. This will show the earlier mapper why it as been changed.
(17 Jul '15, 12:45)
andy mackey
Delete the object. Ideally map what is there now (e.g. paths or a new building). If the site is just rubble then you can map an area as landuse=brownfield or landuse=construction if a new building/item is being worked on. On the landuse object you can add a note= tag to explain that the building has been demolished as of July 2015. This will hopefully stop people tracing the building from dated aerial imagery. You could leave the building object, remove the majority of tags (including building=yes so it doesn't show) and add tags such as note="Demolished for..." and end_date=20150717. |
Wikiosm, maybe a bit late, look at the effect of demolished:building="office" on the slippy map. The building stays visible with all the tags as address aso. And remove the tags as soon as there is a construction going on. |
Thanks, both of you. Deleted.