Hi guys! I try to upload a large pbf file(Netherland) from Geofabrik into Nominatim db (with small area import works fine). What I'm doing: 1)Start this script: ./utils/setup.php --osm-file maps/netherlands-latest.osm.pbf --all --osm2pgsql-cache 6000 2>&1 | tee /opt/Nominatim/setup.log 2) I'm waiting until proceess terminates unexpectedly. here pg_log file: http://pastebin.com/auzWXxbP Also I get errors in setup.log
What am I doing wrong? is that hardware issue (mem 8Gb) or something else? Any ideas will be appreciated. Update: pg_log: http://pastebin.com/CGSAchit it is crashed on "Failed process was running: CREATE INDEX planet_osm_ways_nodes ON planet_osm_ways USING gin (nodes) WITH (FASTUPDATE=OFF);" and I don't know what's going wrong with it. |