I am a longtime contributor to OSM. I have come late to using it with voice-guided car navigation on my 'phone (I have made the transition from my well-loved Garmin eTrex Legend, finally!). As such, I am clueless concerning the notification or correction of voice-guidance errors. If I might give an example: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/51.63001/-1.13787. Navigating north-west, the voice instructed me to turn left at the roundabout. I knew I must proceed straight ahead and the highlighted route displayed that. The same mis-instruction occurred on my return journey, informing me to turn right. How is such an error addressed? |
There was an error in the tagging of Shillingford Roundabout: it was mapped as a circular oneway street. I have added junction=roundabout and directions should change to use terms like "take the 2nd exit" (but this will take a while for online routers). Andy Mackey's suggestion of checking with online routers is always the best starting point to discriminate between software bugs and data bugs. The OSRM instructions immediately sounded very anomalous for traversing a roundabout, so I thought I should check the tags. I thank you for your sleuthing! Constructive answers such as yours will help me to find my own answers in due course, hopefully.
(18 Jul '15, 19:58)
silver mapper
Sounds like a bug in whatever software you were using for navigation on the phone?
I used MapFactor Navigator Free for this journey.
I have posted this question on MapFactor's forum, too.
To test routing you could try OSRM
Andy I thank you for that suggestion. OSRM itinery states, "Turn left onto Shillingford Roundabout", "Reaching intermediate destination on Shillingford Roundabout" and "Turn left onto Henley Road (A4074)". The 'turn left' instruction seems to apply to the 45 degree small turn one makes from the approaching road on to the roundabout, itself, before proceeding straight ahead. It seems convoluted and misleading, which is why I thought it worth trying to have corrected.