I am a new mapper on Open Street Map (today is my 1 month anniversary of joining) I have read the turn lane wiki (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:turn:lanes) several times and am still confused on how to do turning lanes. I think what is confusing me is when it states "View the road in the direction of the osm-way.". The osm way term is mentioned several times, and I do not understand what that is. Can somebody please explain what the 'osm way' is? Thanks, Michael Jones |
The osm way is the line you draw to represent the street. Suppose you draw a line from left to right. Normally there will a an arrow at the right end then. This is the basis for the direction. Forward now means from left to right. Backward from right to left. I don't know which editor you use, but JOSM has a very nice style that you can enable to show the turn:lanes. It's called Lanes and Roads attributes is something I cannot live without for this type of work. 1
+1 on the JOSM turn lane plug-in. I can't imagine being able to add turn lane information properly without it. With it you have immediate feedback if you have made the edits correctly. And it is very easy to get something mixed up between the forward/backward on the way and/or the lane count.
(16 Jul '15, 14:25)
Within OSM, a way is a line (and sometimes an area). Whenever you draw a road, or a building outline, or a hedge, you are drawing a way. Ways have a direction. For a lot of things it doesn't matter. A wall is a wall whether it was drawn from one end to another or the other way around. For one-way roads though, we use the direction. The direction means which way down the one way street you can drive. Likewise the direction of the way is important for turning lanes. Read more here http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Forward_%26_backward,left%26_right |