Is barrier=city_wall historics=citywall the correct tag for a wall that is (partially) not there anymore? I think barrier should be removed? edit: A part is still intact, for those the tags make sense, I agree. Other parts are completely gone. Should the historic be kept? On other parts, there is a special pavement indicating that there was a wall in ancient times. What about those? |
Well is there anything still there? Some places still have their city walls, which are still physical walls (albeit not used as such), hence the If the structure has been completely removed, then there is no more wall/barrier there any more, and it should be removed from OSM. Update after edit:
If there is no physical wall there, then the I edited my question a bit.
(14 Jul '15, 11:22)
barrier= implies something can't get past it (clarified by access= if deemed appropriate). historic=citywall or historic=wall describes something that has tourist interest, how much of the wall still remains can vary and may be described with other tags such as description. One example is Hadrian's Wall. In Newcastle city there are 20ft high sections, but a lot of it is just stones ranging from an inch above the grass to 3ft. I might be tempted to tag the 3ft ones as a barrier, but where it is only visible then it is not really a barrier. Example photo: |