hello I try to import an OSM area ( https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2109730#map=11/46.7932/5.4633 ) in umap, for beeing able to put additional layers , but the only export that I have is "xml" and I do not know what to do with it. is it possible with web interfaces ? best regards and thanks in advance Jean-Philippe |
You can download admin boundaries through the Boundaries tool in several formats Umap can read. Here's help on how to download a relation as GPX, which is ok for Umap And you could even have a live link to the OSM database using Overpass Turbo, but that's not really necesary - and sometimes rather slow. Hi Joost thank you for this answer, i followed the second option "how to download a relation as GPX", and from OSM editor, i used the id of route in download section, downloaded it, exported it to "GPX" file and finally import this GPX in my uMap layer perfect, i learned a new thing today thanks again jean-philippe
(14 Jul '15, 18:04)