I am looking for a service that uses OSM public transport data and combines walking and bus directions. Essentially I'd like to be able to give a departure point and a arrival point and then the server would determine the quickest public transport route from the departure point to the destination. Does anyone know of a directions library that offers this other than Google Maps API? asked 09 Jul '15, 10:22 JoelK3 |
Have a look at OpenTripPlanner. They provide the software to create a multi-modal journey planner like what you are looking for. answered 09 Jul '15, 11:02 Andy Allan 1
What implementations of that outside of Portland are there? A quick web search doesn't find much (although it does turn up "how to set up your own" links like this and this). As I read it the questioner's looking for a preexisting service rather than how to create their own. (asking because I'm genuinely interested in the answer too!)
(09 Jul '15, 12:14)
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