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I need to add the passage of pedestrians and the traffic signal at the same point of the track.

I intend to do so: - Highway=crossing - Highway_1=traffic_signals.

It's correct? Otherwise, what is the correct way?

(original text in Portuguese, translated into English with google translator)

asked 08 Jul '15, 16:47

seth's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Start using JOSM :-) No, just kidding.

I do not combine the highway=traffic_signals with the highway=crossing node.

The highway=traffic_signals tag typically goes on the crossing of the 2 roads. I place the highway=crossing node where the road crosses the zebra. On the latter node I also add crossing=traffic_signals.

I have see some variations on this. like highway=traffic_signals ; crossing=traffic_signals on the node where the 2 ways cross. The more recent versions of josm show a large and a small traffic signal icon on such a node.

So the reason that there are so many crossing=zebra is that iD makes a mistake IMHO (and compared to the wiki). This should be reported, not ? But you can always override the value that iD adds for a tag.

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answered 10 Jul '15, 12:11

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

For e.s.c.a.d.a .: I think this complicated issue. I think he should really be better debated, to define a common standard to everyone, which is difficult. I do not use the JOSM because it is incompatible with Chromebooks.

Here's a link the intersection in question. analyze and see if it's correct:

(10 Jul '15, 13:08) seth

I just updated the crossing in the way I would tag it, using iD. So my solution has nothing to do with the editor. See traffic signals wiki page simple intersections why a single traffic signal node in the middle works

There are now 5 nodes, one for each zebra crossing, 1 for the place where the two roads intersect

(10 Jul '15, 13:16) escada

feel free to change it back to a form to which you are more comfortable with, but I would try to avoid using anything with "_1" at the end.

(10 Jul '15, 13:17) escada

Ok, now I understand. I will do so: highway = crossing, crossing = traffic_signals, crossing_ref = zebra, which is what actually occurs at the intersection.

The highway = traffic_signals (as escada- suggested) at the intersection of routes as a single signal, do not think that is the most correct because the intersection has two signals.

Thank you for your patience.

(10 Jul '15, 14:03) seth

highway=crossing crossing=traffic_signals

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answered 08 Jul '15, 20:08

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

As documented on the corresponding wiki page

(08 Jul '15, 20:20) scai ♦

Ok, thank you.

(08 Jul '15, 23:39) seth

It does not work because the highway = crossing already included the crossing = zebra. So I can not include a crossing_1 = traffic_signals.

Would otherwise do?

(09 Jul '15, 18:58) seth

This should be crossing_ref=zebra (& this is a GB specific thing, a Zebra crossing is highway=crossing crossing=uncontrolled crossing_ref=zebra). Personally I've always found the crossing tagging a little obscure. Your question reinforces my feeling that it is not intuitive.

(09 Jul '15, 19:16) SK53 ♦

As SK53 said, highway=crossing,crossing=traffic_signals,crossing_ref=zebra. I typically do not add crossing_ref=zebra as all pedestrian crossing here are "zebras". We do not have the other types. BTW, the crossing wiki page does not mention crossing=zebra at all.

(09 Jul '15, 20:02) escada
(09 Jul '15, 20:35) scai ♦

The crossing = zebra perhaps a reference to the white lines (in Brazil the default is one) where the pedestrian pass.

So I do like this: highway = crossing with crossing = traffic_signals? At the same point (node)?

If so, how to add the rcossing = zebra? ... Considering that he needed to determine the type of pass (zebra)?

(09 Jul '15, 23:05) seth

See the page on crossing, use crossing_ref : "The traditional, region-specific reference, such as zebra or pelican"

(10 Jul '15, 04:15) escada

I still don't understand why you want to add crossing=traffic_signals and cossing=zebra. Either there are traffic signals for pedestrians. Or there are none in which case there might still be other markings as for example zebra stripes.

(10 Jul '15, 07:36) scai ♦

Ok, I will detail best.

I use the iD editor. In point (node) are two different elements: the passage of pedestrians and the traffic signal for the cars.

I need to add these two elements in the same place, right?

When I add the element = highway crossing, the iD editor already assigns it the crossing = zebra. The point is this: highway = crossing with cossing = zebra.

See who still lack even the highway = raffic_signals. How to add it is my doubt.

Therefore, the title of the question I proposed this: highway = crossing with highway_1 = traffic_signals.

Explain to me how to do this, since the iD editor, by default, will define the first point thus: highway = crossing with cossing = zebra.

(10 Jul '15, 11:30) seth

You don't have to add pedestrian and car traffic signals in the same place, it is perfectly fine to use separate positions and thus separate nodes for them. In case you want to add both using the same node then use highway=traffic_signals and crossing=traffic_signals as stated by escada.

I can confirm that iD automatically adds crossing=zebra if you select to add a crosswalk. This is indeed questionable. But you can still change it afterwards. Either by selecting "traffic signals" from the list of types. Or by going to "All tags" and changing it manually to crossing=traffic_signals.

(10 Jul '15, 12:04) scai ♦

Scai ... but the traffic signal (for cars) is exactly through which pedestrians.

I did what you suggested: putting different points. Maybe it's the tits out, but I believe that should be at the same point.

Here's a link the intersection in question. analyze and see if it's correct:

For e.s.c.a.d.a .: I think this complicated issue. I think he should really be better debated, to define a common standard to everyone, which is difficult. I do not use the JOSM because it is incompatible with Chromebooks.

Here's a link the intersection in question. analyze and see if it's correct:

(10 Jul '15, 13:08) seth

Please read my previous comment again. It is possible to add both at the same node, you don't have to use different positions. But you can if you want to. As explained by escada this may even improve accuracy if the traffic signals are at a crossing.

(10 Jul '15, 13:29) scai ♦

Ok, now I understand. I will do so: highway = crossing, crossing = traffic_signals, crossing_ref = zebra, which is what actually occurs at the intersection.

The highway = traffic_signals (as escada- suggested) at the intersection of routes as a single signal, do not think that is the most correct because the intersection has two signals.

Thank you for your patience.

(10 Jul '15, 14:02) seth
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question asked: 08 Jul '15, 16:47

question was seen: 3,713 times

last updated: 10 Jul '15, 14:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum