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I am looking for a reasonable GPS based on OSM (offline, vectorial) with a large screen, and my feeling is the next "best application" in this area will be on tablets and not phones.

I'd like to avoid monopolies, so this hardens the search quite a bit: neither iPad nor Android...

My feeling is the only possibility then is a Blackberry Playbook, which to me looks like a very fresh device with... no applications yet.

Am I wrong?

Are there already OSM-based apps for Playbook? -Even beta versions, or announcements?



P. S. I already had a (bad) experience with an OpenMoko, whose screen broke in 1 week... If monopolies are unavoidable my fallback would be something like Locus or Oruxmaps on Android (discovered on this forum)...

asked 12 Apr '11, 08:56

Herve5's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

edited 12 Apr '11, 09:03

By looking at some articles about the Playbook, it sounds like it will support both Android and JavaME apps in the future.

If this should be true, there is a reasonably large selection of Apps for using OSM maps. You can find a (uncomplete) list of Apps for JavaME/Blackberry and Android on the OSM wiki at Software/J2ME and Software/Android. Some of these support offline vectorial maps (e.g. GpsMid)

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answered 16 Apr '11, 20:54

apmon's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Thank you Apmon, you are right, I didn't think about this JavaMe compatibility!

(16 Apr '11, 21:04) Herve5

Not yet

But then the device hasn't actually been released yet. Exactly what development options you'll have isn't completely clear yet. You'll have WebWorks (that much is clear) but what other options you'll have I don't know - wait until it's launched and the picture will be a bit clearer.

Also, a lot of the stuff that's important in the real world is impossible to find out about until people have been using stuff for a while - How long does the battery last? Is the screen clear to read? Is the GPS fast enough to a fix and accurate enough to be useful.

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answered 12 Apr '11, 17:02

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

I've found a paying blackberry application called "ultimate maps" which seems to be adapted for the playbook. Developer is unreactive, but actually the characteristics seem OK, and given the cost it seems even worth to pay for trying. I'll post info if I find others...


edit: btw I don't know how to declare this question closed by my own answer...

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answered 16 Apr '11, 15:29

Herve5's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

edited 16 Apr '11, 16:55

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question asked: 12 Apr '11, 08:56

question was seen: 7,688 times

last updated: 16 Apr '11, 21:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum