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I need to know how to search geographic coordinates in OSM. For example, type in the location (-20.45667 / -54.61852) into the search field of OSM but the system does not show the location. The format is incorrect? What is the correct way?

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Preciso saber como pesquisar coordenadas geográficas no OSM. Por exemplo: digito o local (-20.45667 / -54.61852) no campo de busca do OSM mas o sistema não mostra a localização. O formato está incorreto? Qual a forma correta?

asked 06 Jul '15, 20:14

seth's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Jul '15, 20:46

Type the numbers in the search field without the slash in between. You will then see something like

Results from Internal
-20.45667, -54.61852

Click on the link and you're taken to the map at the desired position.

permanent link

answered 06 Jul '15, 21:49

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Frederik Ramm.

It worked. Many thanks for the tip.

(07 Jul '15, 13:25) seth

In case you are satisfied with the answer, could you please accept it. Then others can see that the question has ben answered.

(07 Jul '15, 13:29) escada

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question asked: 06 Jul '15, 20:14

question was seen: 2,584 times

last updated: 07 Jul '15, 13:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum