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I have created new routes, new points , new areas. All my changes appear on the map. but when i choose to get directions from point A to point B (where both are created newly) , the new routes are not choosen on the map :(

here's my map

asked 02 Jul '15, 08:41

Nayla%20Greige's gravatar image

Nayla Greige
accept rate: 0%


When did you add your changes? What direction service are you using? Note that each service takes a while to update its data. Usually this takes considerably longer than rendering your changes.

(02 Jul '15, 08:55) scai ♦

I added them yesterday , they are visible on the map. the direction service is the default one present on OpenStreetMap : OSRM . Is there any configuration i should do?? i keep repeating the "get directions" and it is still taking the main road and not "my" routes

(02 Jul '15, 09:24) Nayla Greige

OSRM and GraphHopper will usually take at least 1-2 days for updating the map. Other services such as MapQuest will take even longer. Just wait a little until your changes have been imported and processed by the direction services until trying again.

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answered 02 Jul '15, 10:01

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

even if the routes are visible to the map ??

(02 Jul '15, 10:03) Nayla Greige

I assume you mean streets when you write "routes", then the answer is yes. The data that is used to create the map (the image you see on the website) is coming from another database than the data that is used to calculate the route you can follow from A to B. That second database is updated less frequently and hence, the calculated routes do not necessarily use the streets that are visible on the map. I believe that the same problem also occurs on the website of osrm itself. The just integrates services from multiple websites and this causes this "weird" phenomenon.

(02 Jul '15, 10:11) escada

Yes. Rendering and routing are different processes. They need different databases. In this case, these services don't even run on the same servers. Moreover, rendering is done my OSM itself while currently all routing services are more or less provided by third-parties.

(02 Jul '15, 10:13) scai ♦

then i will have to wait couple of days and retry to see the output

(02 Jul '15, 19:20) Nayla Greige

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question asked: 02 Jul '15, 08:41

question was seen: 1,954 times

last updated: 02 Jul '15, 20:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum