So I was trying to use the export function on the openstreetmap page but it was not available so I went to the suggested alternative - overpass.api and downloaded a file "map" without any file extension, how can I use that file? I'm trying to generate an img file to use it on my Garmin GPS. Please help, thanks!!!!! |
Perhaps some of the previous questions might be helpful? The definitive "step by step guide" is probably this one. The most popular choice of "maps to download" is probably this one, but there are lots of others. Alternatively, you can create your own. Thanks for the suggestions. I downloaded the map at: as you suggested and it worked perfectly on my Montana. I have another question, the reason I wanted to download the map at is that they map displayed on the site is in Tradition Chinese and that is what I want. The one I downloaded from is in English (not mandarin/English thank god) which is very nice but getting one in Traditional Chinese will be the ultimate version for me. Is there a source out there that will allow me to download the exact map shown on Thanks again for your help.
(01 Jul '15, 23:39)
If you want Traditional Chinese, have a look at this thread on the forum (that's about Farsi, but the same principle applies). You won't get the "exact map shown on" as you'll get a Garmin vector map not just a series of map tiles (but see this for raster maps on newer Garmin devices which probably include your Montana).
(01 Jul '15, 23:58)
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