I have scanned topographic map of area i want to add to OSM. I need to place that map over OSM so i can "draw" on my map.
Scanning a map and copying things into OpenStreetMap is normally a breach of copyright. If it's an out-of-copyright old map, or released to the public domain, then that's OK. There are various tools and approaches you could take. If it's not a gigantic scanned map image, then have a look at Geothings Map Warper, which makes it easy to add control points and then load warped images into JOSM as a WMS. |
That's a good point, i'll have to check what kind of permissions i have with that map. |
Please edit your question here and add some information about your map you have scanned. What is its origin? and are you allowed to use it to derive OSM data from? Like HarryWood said: pay attention to copyrights ...