How to add popup on open street map when a overlay is tapped. |
This is not a question about OpenStreetMap (we mostly care only about the open database of geographic data) but a question about the tool used to display some form of rendered map, created from the raw OpenStreetMap data. Most likely that tool is Openlayers and you will find at lot of find documentation on it at ...although a simple example of popups is actually quite difficult to find. Here's mine: marker popups (bubbles) example
(11 Apr '11, 23:19)
Harry Wood
Im using org.andnav.osm packages to show open street map view instead of google map view, I added overlays on open street map. Now I need to show pop up, once the user taps on every overlay. I used to show pop up balloons on Google Map View. But this cannot be added to open street map. I need this to be done. I need to show pop up as in the above link on open street map. Need HELP 1
Please edit the question to reflect this information or add it as a comment to the question. Adding a new answer for something that is not an answer is confusing in help system where the order can change over time due to up/down votes.
(12 Apr '11, 14:05)
Coudl you explain a little bit more what you mean? I have trouble to understand your question.
yes. Please edit your question. You should probably mentioned "OpenLayers" if you are using that javascript library
image please!