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I have downloaded the street map file for South Africa and this seems to work on BaseCamp. How can I get the map loaded to my 'old' nuvii 200W ? I put the disc image file onto a micro sd card but the nuvii didn't seem to recognise it...

asked 29 Jun '15, 12:47

mokaikai's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Thanks to both your responses which have resolved the matter. Great help !!

(30 Jun '15, 08:48) mokaikai

Use Garmin's Mapinstall software, that should pick up your map if you say it works on Basecamp; you should see all the maps available to you, and then just add the one you want to the NUVI

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answered 29 Jun '15, 17:46

wilda69's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

Where did you put it and how did you name it? The file must be located under "Garmin\gmapsupp.img". Other directories or file names won't work on older Garmin devices.

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answered 29 Jun '15, 13:19

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 29 Jun '15, 12:47

question was seen: 5,153 times

last updated: 30 Jun '15, 08:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum